Visitors to this website are interacting with a computer program. A real person who is a trained focusing guide can probably do things a computer program cannot. But a computer program can probably do things a real person cannot.
Over and above this, it seemed natural to facade that visitors were interacting with a person. (Additionally, visitors presumably did not want to look at pictureless web pages.)
The woman guiding your experience on this website would be called an actress if this was a movie. Like an actress, she did not write her lines. She would be called a character in a story if this were a book. She hopefully had a calm, helpful personality.
An older woman would have better accommodated cultural stereotypes. But this woman has a calm, thoughtful look, and she and the photographer did a great job in producing these photos.
The model is allegedly of middle eastern descent. The world needs a better understanding and appreciation of that culture, so a little of that appears in her character.
The photographer is Galina Barskaya. The woman's name is unknown.